
HTR’s 30-Year Endeavors in Establishing 3-Environmental Workgroup Computing

Established in 1990

HTR was set up in California as a network node-computing company with manufacturing capabilities in Taiwan, focused on 2-environmental (i.e., internal node processing environment and external network nodes-communicating environment) digital computing technologies.

From 1990 to 2000

HTR developed and manufactured “2-environmental” Workgroup Server Arrays (WSA) for enhancing network nodes-infrastructures with real-time hot-swap/growth and fail-over capabilities.

From 2000 to 2005

HTR came to realize that 2-environmental node-computing with its basic 4 paradigmatic competencies, 1) uni-node 1D/2D-aggregation architectures, 2) uni-node evolutionary and weak-AI-Problem-Solving (PS) theories, 3) Machine-centered Model-PS node-systems, 4) myriad and private planar node-website-cascaded weak-AI data-service-transaction platforms on the open Internet, were half-way-evolved, primitive and laden with unsolvable data-security and data-privacy issues.

From 2005 to Now

HTR developed more advanced “3-environmental” workgroup computing (i.e., internal workgroup-processing, internal workgroup-collaborating and external workgroup communicating environments) with its basic 4 paradigmatic competencies, covering 1) multi-node hierarchical 3D-integration workgroup architectures, 2) workgroup evolutionary and Strong-AI Problem-Solving theories, 3) Real-time Human-Machine-Interactive (HMI) Domain-PS workgroup systems and 4) one and public hierarchical workgroup-cloud systems-integrated Strong-AGI information-service-transaction platform on the open Internet.

Circuit Board

HTR’s Four (4) categorical workgroup innovations for Enhancing 3-Environmental Workgroup-Computing Paradigm with Its Basic four paradigmatic Competencies

The Ultimate Goal for Developing Strong AI/AGI workgroup Computing Paradigm (wCP)

The purpose of developing four (4) categorical workgroup computing innovations is to prove that all the current node-Computing Paradigm (nCP)’s basic 4 paradigmatic competencies in 1) uni-node von Neumann planar-2D flow-architectures, 2) uni-node evolutionary and weak-AI-PS theories, 3) lead-time developed Machine-Human-Interface (MHI) model-PS node-application systems, and 4) myriad private client-server weak-AI-data self-service transaction platforms are only half-way evolved, still primitive and laden with unsolvable security and privacy issues.

Yes, it took HTR 20 years to think out of the box and come up with more advanced 1) multi-node workgroup hierarchical-3D flow-architectures, 2) multi-node workgroup evolutionary and Strong-AI/AGI-PS theories, 3) real-time dynamic Human-Machine-Interactive (HMI) domain-PS workgroup operation and management systems, and 4) the one public multi-agent Strong-AGI-information full-service transaction platform, which are “now ready” for upgrading all the current primitive nCP’s basic 4 paradigmatic competencies, together with the upcoming “wCP-textbook” on standardized basic 4 workgroup-computing paradigmatic competencies.

The ultimate goal for developing Strong-AI/AGI workgroup Computing Paradigm is to set up the right “digital computing multi-node evolutionary course of action” to generate the most advanced smart workgroup systems and establish the one and only, public and secure, transparent and fair, full-service transaction platform on the open Internet, providing any user, anytime and anywhere with real-time adaptive Maslow-5 needs-based Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP) services that are free from security and privacy issues.


HT Research, Inc.
30 years in multi-node workgroup computing

Brain Tech

HTR’s Vital Patents


HTR’s 30-year


HTR’s OpenTen


HTR’s mission


HTR’s first vital US patent# 5,802,391

on “TeamServer” to make
3-environmental multi-node workgroup
hierarchical-3D integration architecture possible.


HTR’s second vital US patent# 6,715,100

on “Workgroup Server Array (WSA)” to make
3-environmental multi-node
workgroup hierarchical evolution possible.


HTR’s third vital US patent# 11,132,236

on workgroup-computing hardware
Hierarchical Core Structures (HCS)
in 7 workgroup evolutionary generations.


HTR’s fourth vital/pending patents
#17/372,771 and #17/484,230

on closed-loop Feedback-control workgroup OSs and
3-environmental semantic-control natural language-based real-time interactive operation and management programming methods.


Established in 1990:

HTR was set up in California as a network node-computing company with manufacturing capabilities in Taiwan, focusing on “2-environmental node-computing technologies.


From 1992 to 2000:

HTR developed and manufactured “2-environmental” TeamServers and Workgroup Server Arrays (WSA), for enhancing network node-infrastructures with real-time hot-swap/growth and fail-over capabilities.


From 2000 to 2005:

HTR came to realize that 2-environmental node Computing Paradigm (nCP) with its 4 paradigmatic competences (i.e., von Neumann 1D/2D architecture, Weak-AI fundamental theories, Machine-centric service-oriented PS-systems and client-server private CGR-service transaction platforms on the open Internet), was overall primitive and laden with unsolvable service-oriented security and privacy issues.


From 2005 up to now:

HTR developed “3-environmental” workgroup Computing Paradigm (wCP) with its more advanced 4 paradigmatic competences in hierarchical-integration 3D architectures, Strong-AI/AGI fundamental theories, User-centric service-oriented PS-systems and multi-agent public Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP) service transaction platforms on the open Internet.

HTR’s Open attitude toward co-developing Ten workgroup architectures derived Strong-AI wCP
via OpenTen consortium with all the computing practitioners in academia and industries.
Various Hardware and Software Projects are involved in building five (5) smart workgroup systems:
1) Smart-Enterprise (department, division) workgroup systems,
2) Smart-Home (appliance, gear, gadget) workgroup systems,
3) Smart-Car/Vehicle (Level-5 autonomous self-driving) workgroup systems,
4) Smart-Robot (humanoid, specialty) workgroup systems,
5) Smart-PDA (stationary PC, portable, wearable) workgroup systems.

HTR’s mission is to promote Strong-AI/AGI wCP-based

“The one and only, public and secure, transparent and fair,
on the open Internet

For fulfilling any smart-PDA user, anytime and anywhere with
real-time adaptive individual’s Maslow-5 needs-based services
supported by ubiquitous smart-Enterprises and surrounding interactive
smart-Homes, smart-Cars, smart-Robots and smart-PDAs.