
The Strong-AI/AGI peer-to-peer interactive workgroup expert/agent computing systems are being invented.

Pioneers in
Strong-AI/AGI workgroup Computing Paradigm (wCP)

The Strong-AI/AGI workgroup expert/agent systems to replace the current Weak-AI node application systems.

wCP enables peer-to-peer interactive expert & agent programs to
“encapsulate” all the client-server interface application programs.

wCP enables Strong-AI/AGI interactive agent services among parties with better security&privacy protections.  

wCP achieves “Strong-AI/AGI for All”,
not just “Weak-AI for Servers to serve Zombie-like Clients”.

"The Philosophy of Computing"

I. The must-answer philosophical questions about computing in 5W and 1H.

  • 1) what: regarding computing machines,
  • 2) who to service whom: regarding computing processors, operators, controllers, owners, stakeholders and external users,
  • 3) when: regarding the time of the computing event,
  • 4) where: regarding the place of the computing event,
  • 5) why: regarding the purpose of the computing event,
  • 6) how: regarding the methods of computing-enabled problem solving services.

II. The must-have computing paradigm to cover 5W&1H, answering all philosophical questions without ambiguity.

i. The well-defined Computing Paradigm comprises 4 paradigmatic pillars, starting from:

  • 1) hardware architectures,

as in 1) open-end Point-node-structural von-Neumann architecture in one (1) internal node-processing environment, 2) multi-Point-nodes Linearly-connected open-end 1D-infrastructural (LAN) network architectures in both internal node-processing and external nodes-networking two (2) environments, 3) multi-1D-nodes planarly-aggregated open-end 2D-infrastructural (ANN) network architectures in two (2) environments and 4) multi-2D-planar-nodes hierarchically-integrated closed-loop 3D-core-structural workgroup architectures in internal workgroup-processing, internal workgroup-collaborating and external workgroup-networking three (3) environments,

  • 2) software theories,

as in 1) 1-environmental open-end structural OSs and mnemonic data-function algorithm programming, 2) 2-environmental open-end structural network-OSs and lead-time syntax data-model application programming and 3) 3-environmental closed-loop structural workgroup-OSs and real-time semantic sentential-domain operation and management programming,

  • 3) system disciplines,

as in 1) 1-environmental DOS node-systems, 2) 2-environmetnal lead-time developed data-model/data-manipulating predicative-AI node-systems as well as 2-environmental lead-time developed GPT-model/deep-learning generative-AI distributed-nodes 1D/2D-infrastructural-systems and 3) 3-environmental real-time self-evolving sentential-domain/self-learning smart-AI 3D-workgroup-systems,

  • 4) service facilities,

as in 1) 2-environmental multi-1D/2D-infrastructures-aggregated 2D-zone, multi-2D-zones-aggregated 2D-platform, and multi-2D platforms-aggregated 2D-Internet, 2) 3-environmental multi-3D-workgroup systems-integrated 3D-zone, multi-3D-zones-aggregated 3D-platform and multi-3D-platforms-integrated 3D-Internet.

ii. The well-defined Computing paradigm delivers 5 paradigmatic services with hierarchical competency:

  • 1) the first-level security-checking services,

as in 1) 2-environmental one-time unsafe and unsecure syntax data-interface security-checking and 2) 3-environmental any-time safe and secure semantic sentential-interactive security checking,

  • 2) the second-level content-exchanging services,

as in 1) 2-environmental pre-existed fixed/real-time generative syntax data-content exchanging and 2) 3-environmental real-time smart agent/expert-generating semantic sentential-content exchanging.

  • 3) the third-level knowledge-learning services,

as in 1) 2-environmental ad-hoc syntax ideas/well-tested routines/lead-time feedback experiences 3-level data-ontology knowledge deep-learning and 2) 3-environmental ad-hoc semantic ideas/well-tested routines/real-time feedback-control experiences/real-time multi-experience-aggregated scenarios/real-time multi-scenario-applied the current-best strategy 5-level sentential-terminology knowledge self-learning.

  • 4) the fourth-level problem-solving services,

as in 1) 2-environmental lead-time developed syntax-data-application fixated-models/GPT-models aggregated predicate-AI/generative-AI problem-solving based on low-level syntax-data ontology and 2) 3-environmental real-time evolving semantic-sentential-operation/management domains integrated strong-AI/smart-AGI problem solving based on high-level semantic-sentential terminology,

  • 5) the fifth-level contract-fulfilling services.

as in 1) 2-environmental real-time client-server-captive company-centric predicative-AI-enabled Coarse-Grained-Reactive (CGR) as well as generative-AI-enabled Fine-Grained-Reactive (FGR) company-centric-captive contract-fulfilling and 2) 3-environmental real-time multi-agent-negotiable user-centric smart-AI/AGI-enabled Fine-Grained-Proactive (FGP) contract-fulfilling.

III. The inevitable computing paradigm shifts if the current paradigmatic services are not acceptable.

  • 1) the rationale:

If the current 5-paradigmatic services deliver unsafe security-checking, unreliable content exchanging, untrustable knowledge learning, unpredictable problem solving and unacceptable contract-fulfilling, then the existing 4 paradigmatic pillars must be upgraded.

  • 2) shift procedures:

First and foremost, it is imperative to discover new and better hardware architectures that can upgrade and encapsulate the current existing hardware architectures, then to derive the related software theories, system disciplines and service facilities, establishing new and better 4 paradigmatic pillars.

  • 3) all procedures completed:

The new and better computing paradigm is established to deliver new and better 5 paradigm services without unsolvable dilemmas and limitations.

IV. History has shown that the computing paradigm had shifted from 1-environmental processing-node-based to the current 2-environmental network-node-based.

  • 1) 1-(processing-functional) environment-based von Neumann processing-node structures are upgraded and encapsulated

by 2-(internal processing and external networking functional) environment-based network-node structures,

  • 2) 1-environmental node-processing OSs and functional software are upgraded and encapsulated

by 2-environmental node-networking OSs and application software,

  • 3) 1-environmental DOS-like functional systems are upgraded and encapsulated

by 2-environmental nOS-like application systems,

  • 4) 1-environmental multi-terminal-device-connected 1D-service facilities are upgraded and encapsulated

by 2-environmental multi-network-node system-aggregated 2D-service facilities,

  • 5) 1-environmental paradigmatic services are upgraded and encapsulated

by 2-environmental paradigmatic services.

V. The current 2-environmental node computing paradigm (nCP) must be re-evaluated.

  • 1) It is imperative to find out whether nCP is still primitive.

Based on the current 4 paradigmatic pillars, all the current node-computing systems from corporate systems/data centers to individual PCs/cellphones on the Internet, still provide 2-environmental client-server-captive and primitive 5 paradigmatic services with unsolvable security and privacy dilemmas.

  • 2) Since it is still primitive, the best course of action is

to discover more sophisticated 3D-hierarchical workgroup-architectures to upgrade and encapsulate the current 2D-planar node-architectures. In so doing, the current 2-environmental nCP will evolve into the new and better 3-environmental workgroup Computing Paradigm (wCP), which is further equipped with 4 more-sophisticated pillars and capable of delivering 5 paradigmatic services with better efficiency and effectiveness.

  • 3) Therefore, any incremental hardware and software improvements in the current 2-environmental cocooning nCP,

such as the current generative-AI applications for delivering level-2 unreliable content-exchanging services, can all be put together in the next 5-10 years, only to deliver level-3 untrustable knowledge-learning, level-4 unpredictable problem-solving and level-5 unacceptable company-centric captive Fine-Grained Reactive (FGR) contract-fulfilling services. Yes, the only way to get out of the current 2-environmental nCP cocoon is to naturally evolve into the new and better 3-environmental wCP, which will upgrade and encapsulate all the current 2-environmental primitive 5-paradigmatic services without worries and limitations.

Yes, the current node-Computing Paradigm (nCP)
comprises primitive 2-environmental 4-pillars and
delivers weak 2-environmental 5-services.

The current nCP comprises 4 node-paradigmatic pillars in 2 functional environments:

(i.e., internal node-processing and external node-networking)

  • 1) Primitive 2-environmental von Neumann node and node-networking (OSI-7) hardware architectures,

evolving from 1 environmental node-core-structures to 2-environmental networkable node-hub structures, multi-node linear-connected 1D-LAN infrastructures and multi-node planar-aggregated 2D-ANN infrastructures. These hardware architectures are lead-time expansion capable and they cannot evolve further, due to inherited limitations to integrate multiple node-hub structures and 1D/2D infrastructures into one 3D-Core structure.

  • 2) Primitive 2-environmental open-end OSs and syntax data-model application programming software theories,

creating the open-end network-OSs to manage the star-topology flow of network node-hub structures and creating lead-time developed pre-defined data-model-based application programs for establishing the 2-environmental node-hub entity with real-time fixated application-thread model-PS (problem-solving) capabilities.

  • 3) Primitive 2-environmental multi data-model aggregated weak-AI-PS (Problem-Solving) system disciplines,

generating stage-1 data-solution-model application systems, stage-2 data-solutions-storage-model database-systems, stage-3 data-knowledge-model appication system and stage-4 multi-solution model and knowledge model aggregated infrastructural-systems for coarse-grained-thread-based predictive-AI problem solving. the current stage-5 fine-grained GPT-model over distributed model aggregated infrastructural-systems for fine-grained-thread generative-AI problem solving.

  • 4) Primitive 2-environmental 2D client-server centralized-AGI business service facilities on the 2D Internet,

estashishing 1) singular enterprise 2D-zone client-server service facilities for servicing internal business workers and stakeholders, 2) singular enterprise 2D-platform client-server services facililty for servicing external captive businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C), 3) ubiquitous enterprises 2D-Internet client-server-centralized captive flawed-AGI service facilities for servicing external captive individual users.

The current nCP delivers 5 node-paradigmatic services in 2 functional environments:

  • 1) unsafe 2-environmental pre-set data-model security-checking services:

providing 1) insecure data-string-token-based passwords for personal authentication, 2) data-token firewalls for one-time security checking, 3) no additional layer of environmental protection to prevent any external virus-data from directly hacking internal data-processing mechanisms due to 2 environmental processes.

  • 2) unreliable 2-environmental pre-set/GPT data-model content exchanging services based on unsafe security:

providing 1) pre-set coarse-grained/common-generic/junk data-content exchanges for servicing the group’s needs, 2) generative fine-grained/imaginary/ill-willed data-content exchanges for servicing individual’s needs.

  • 3) untrustable 2-environmental pre-set/GPT data-model knowledge learning services based on unreliable contents:

providing 1) lead-time data-content to ad-hoc level-1 data-solution knowledge deep-learning, 2) lead-time ad-hoc to routine level-2 data-solution knowledge deep-learning, 3) lead-time routine to experience level-3 data-solution knowledge learning, 4) lead-time multi-experience to scenario level-4 data-solution knowledge learning.

  • 4) unpredictable 2-environmental pre-set/GPT data-model weak predictive/generative-AI problem solving services based on untrustable knowledges:

providing 1) multiple distributed-(data-solution) models aggregated into one-threaded data-solution model for solving pre-set pre-defined problems based on currently-learned data-knowledge levels. If current learned data-knowledge is still in level-1 ad-hoc level, then the aggregated solution model is unsound, yielding unpredictable problem-solving results that may be hazardous and detrimental.

  • 5) unacceptable 2-environmental pre-set one-way-captive company-centric/centrallized flawed-AGI Coarse-Graind-Reactive(CGR)/Fine-Grained Reactive(FGR) contract-fulfilling services based on unpredicatable problem-solving:

providing 1) pre-set client-server services to captive users with pre-set CGR/FGR contract forming, 2) CGR/FGR contract performing without real-time managing the feedback for acceptability.

Description: the current primitive 2-environmental node-Computing paradigm

  • 1) 4 primitive pillars:

Due to the primitive 2-environmental node/1D/2D architectures, the associated 2-environmental software theories are only limited to syntax-data-based and the data-centric theory-generated data-systems are only limited to fixated model-PS-based and the inter-data systems aggregated data service facilities are only limited to client-server based.

  • 2) 5 weak-AI services:

Due to the fact that 2-environmental internal and external functional processes are using the same syntax-data, the data-security services can never safeguard any ill-willed data-hacking. Furthermore, the data-content services can be either pre-set with rigidity or generative with hallucinations. In addition, the data knowledge services can only lead-time data-deep-learn with data-solutional knonwledge that cannot real-time be applied to the current ever-changing problems with the current best data solutions, dubbed weak-AI-PS. Then, the client-server-enabled company-centric contractual services are only pre-set fixated, reactive and captive.

  • 3) conclusions:

The 2-environmental nCP 4-pillars are primitive and cannot deliver acceptable 5 must-have transactional services. The only way to jump out this 2-environmental cocoon is to discover new and better “3D-hierarchical integration architecture”, so that 3-environmental hardware structures, software theories, system disciplines and service facilities can all be realized to upgrade all the current 4 primitive pillars.

The must-have workgroup-Computing Paradigm (wCP)
comprises sophisticated 3-environmental 4-pillars and
delivers smart 3-environmental 5-services.

The wCP comprises 4 paradigmatic pillars in 3 functional environments:

(i.e., internal workgroup-processing, internal workgroup-collaborating and external workgroup networking)

  • 1) 3-environmental multi-node-evolved 3D Hierarchical-core workgroup hardware architectures,

evolving from 3D hierarchical integration of multiple 2-environmental workgroup-modified nodes and 1D/2D-infrastructures into a 3-environmental 3D-workgroup hierarchical-core structure (3D-wHCS). The 3-environmental 3D-workgroup architecture can evolve further, due to its hierarchical iterations. That is to say, the currently evolved multiple 3-environmental wHCSs can be used as base-level attribute-components that can be iteratively integrated into the next-generation bigger and better 3-environmental wHCS.

  • 2) 3-environmental closed-loop workgroup-OSs, real-time dynamic sentential-terminology-based operation and management programming, semantic-domain-PS methods and real-time duality-evolving PS entity workgroup software theories,

creating the closed-loop workgroup-OSs to manage the feedback-control flow of wHCS and creating real-time dynamic sentential-term-(meta data-solution)-based operation and management (O&M) programs for establishing the 3-environmental evolving workgroup entity with real-time evolving O&M-(MIMO)-strand domain-PS capabilities.

  • 3) 3-environmental real-time evolving entity-domain-PS Strong-AI/AGI workgroup system disciplines in 7 generations,

generating generation-1 sentential-solution Operation and Management (O&M) B1T1-(Base-level-1/Top-level-1) strand-domain and sentential knowledge B1T1-strand domain workgroup production systems, generation-2 solution strand and knowledge B1T1-strand-domain workgroup-assembly systems, generation-3 solution and knowledge B2&T3-strand domain basic-AI-PS workgroup-fabrication systems, generation-4 pre/during-solution and during/post knowledge B4&T7-strand domain strong-AI-PS workgroup agent/expert- transaction systems, generation-5/6/7 pre/during service-contract and during/post service-contract knowledge B4&T7-strand domain Strong-AGI-PS locale-service systems for businesses, consumers and individuals.

  • 4) 3-environmental 3D workgroup multi-agent ubiquitous-AGI service facilities on the 3D-Internet,

establishing 1) smart Enterprise/Apparatus/PDA 3D-zone multi-agent service facilities for servicing internal business workers-stakeholders/consumers/individuals, 2) smart enterprise/apparatus/PDA 3D-platform multi-agent service facility for servicing external businesses (B2B), consumers (C2C) and individuals (I2I), 3) ubiquitous smart Enterprises/apparatuses/PDAs 3D-Internet multi-agent smart-AGI service facilities for servicing anyone, anytime and anywhere via smart-PDA equipped with strong-AGI smart-agents.

The wCP delivers 5 paradigmatic services in 3 functional environments:

  • 1) 3-environmental real-time interactive sentential security-checking services:

providing 1) real-time interactive biometric security-checking for personal authentication, 2) real-time interactive semantic sentential conversations for anytime engaging parties’ security checking, 3) additional security layer of the workgroup environmental protection to prevent any external terms from directly hacking internal data-processing mechanisms due to 3 environmental processes.

  • 2) 3-environmental real-time interactive sentential content-exchanging services:

providing 1) real-time fine-grained-agent/expert-knowledge-based semantic sentential-content exchanges for servicing any individual’s needs.

  • 3) 3-environmental real-time interactive sentential-term knowledge self-learning services:

providing 1) real-time sentential-content to ad-hoc level-1 sentential-solution knowledge self-learning, 2) real-time ad-hoc to routine level-2 sentential-solution knowledge self-learning, 3) real-time routine to feedback-experience level-3 sentential-solution knowledge self-learning, 4) real-time multi-experience to scenario level-4 sentential-solution knowledge self-learning, 5) real-time scenario to strategy level-5 sentential-solution knowledge self-learning.

  • 4) 3-environmental real-time interactive strong-AI/AGI semantic sentential-O&M-strand Domain problem solving services:

providing 1) multi O&M-strand domains for solving real-world dynamically-changing problems based on the current best level-5 strategy sentential-solution knowledge. This is the best way of solving problems in the real-time adaptive fashion, yielding the most feasible problem-solving results that are neither hazardous nor detrimental.

  • 5) 3-environmental real-time two-way-negotiable user-centric/ubiquitous smart-AGI Fine-Grained-Proactive (FGP) Contract-fulfilling services:

providing 1) real-time negotiable multi-agent services to any users with Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP) contract forming, 2) FGP contract performing with real-time managing the feedback for acceptability.

Description: The New and better 3-environmental workgroup Computing Paradigm

  • 1) 4 sophisticated pillars:

Due to the 3-environmental workgroup 3D-architectures, the associated software theories are capable of handling real-time interactive semantic-sentential-grammar based workgroup programming and the semantic sentential theory-generated sentential-systems are capable of handling real-time evolving domain-PS and the inter-sentential systems 3D-integrated sentential-service facilities are capable of handling real-time negotiable multi-agent sentential-contract service transactions.

  • 2) 5 strong-AI/AGI services:

Due to the fact that 3-environmental internal and external functional processes are using syntax-data and semantic sentential-terms, the sentential-security services can safeguard any ill-willed data-hacking. Furthermore, the sentential-content services can be obtained via real-time agent/expert 5-level sentential knowledge that are proven useful in previous experiences. In addition, the sentential knowledge services can real-time self-learn with sentential-solution-based knowledge that can real-time be applied to the current ever-changing problems with the current best strategies, dubbed strong-AI/AGI-PS. Then, the multi-agent enabled user-centric smart-AGI contractual services can be real-time negotiable, proactive and free from any security and privacy issues.

  • 3) Conclusion:

The 3-environmental wCP 4-pillars are sophisticated and can deliver acceptable 5 must-have hierarchical transactional services based on open/interactive strong-AI/smart-AGI multi-agents of all involved parties. This is the only way to jump out of the current 2-environmental centralized/captive weak-AI/flawed-AGI client-server cocoon is to evolve into 3-environmental hardware structures, software theories, system disciplines and service facilities, so that the 2-environmental primitive 4-paradigmatic pillars and unacceptable 5-paradigmatic services can then be upgraded and encapsulated.

Strong-AI/AGI wCP-based Architectures, Theories and Smart Systems are finally Ready and Patented.

The new and better “Strong-AI/AGI” workgroup-Computing Paradigm (wCP), comprising

  • 1) multi-node 3D-hierarchical-integrated workgroup-processing/collaborating/networking 3-environmental workgroup architectures,
  • 2) 3-environmental 3D-hierarchical closed-loop feedback-control OSs and semantic sentential domain-problem-solving programming theories,
  • 3) real-time interactive sentential-solution and sentential-knowledge-based strong-AI/AGI workgroup operation and management systems,
  • 4) 3D-integrated “multi-agent-negotiable user-ubiquitous smart-AGI” semantic-information service facilities on the 3D-Internet,

is ready to upgrade and encapsulate the current “weak-AI” node-Computing Paradigm (nCP), comprising

  • 1) uni-node 1D/2D-planar-aggregated node-processing/networking 2-environmental von Neumann architectures,
  • 2) 2-environmental 2D-planar open-end hub-control OSs and syntax-data model-problem-solving programming theories,
  • 3) lead-time fixated data-solution and data-knowledge-based weak-AI node application systems,
  • 4) 2D-aggregated “client-server-captive company-centralized flawed-AGI” syntax-data service facilities on the 2D-Internet, laden with unsolvable security/privacy issues.

The indispensable advantages of wCP over nCP
via real-world analogical reasoning.

#1: Hardware Architecture Comparison:

Real-world analogy:

#A: 2-environmental Street-vending 2D-Structures:

Street-vending 2-environmental Planar-aggregated 1D/2D-Hub Structures,

The current primitive 2-environmental node-computing structures are similar to Street-vending 1D/2D planar structures in 1) internal one chef/helpers node-processing and 2) external chef-to-customer node-communicating environments.

#B: 3-environmental Restaurant 3D-Structures:

Restaurant 3-environmental hierarchical 3-level integrated Core Structures,

New and better 3-environmental workgroup-hierarchical 3D-core structures are similar to Restaurant 3-level hierarchical-core structures in 1) internal chefs/helpers workgroup processing, 2) internal chefs/busboys/waiters workgroup collaborating and 3) external waiters-to-customers workgroup communicating environments.


The Primitive
von Neumann-1D/2D architected
open-end sequential IO-Flow 2-environmental uni-Node Structures
VS New and Better
workgroup-3D architected closed-loop
concurrent IO-flow multi-node-integrated
3-environmental workgroup hierarchical core-structures

#A: 2-environmental 2D-planar architectures:

Setting up 1D/2D node-structures with one CPU/GPUs(NPUs/TPUs), one-main memory/caches and multiple IO-devices is like setting up 2-environmental “street vending structures” for one chef(CPU)/helpers (GPUs), with one main workbench(memory) multiple-level sub-tables (caches)” to process multiple IO-machineries(IO-devices).

#B: 3-environmental 3D-hierarchical architectures:

Setting up workgroup hierarchical core structures is like setting up 3-environmental 3-level-hierarchical restaurant facilities for base-level multiple chefs/helpers, mid-level multiple busboys/(messages-conveyor dispatchers) and top-level multiple waiters, where multiple chefs/helpers can execute “dish-processing data-manuals” to produce “dishes-terms information-menu” for waiters to communicate with external customers concurrently, using interactive semantic natural-languages.

HTR vital patents in 3-environmental 3D-hierarchical workgroup architectures:

Patented Ten (10) workgroup multi-node hierarchical 3D-integration architectures to encapsulate the current one (1) von Neumann uni-node planar-1D/2D-aggregation architecture.

Patented “TeamServers” can be used to set up hierarchical structures and patented “WSA (workgroup server array)” as the basic building blocks can be used to hierarchically evolve into bigger hierarchical workgroup structures for productions, assemblies, fabrications, transactions and locale/zone/cloud services.

#2: Software OS cCmparison:

Real-world analogy:

#A: 2-environmental Street-vending Processing Manuals:

Street-Vending Chef-helpers open-end Cascaded Process Manuals.

#B: 3-environmental Restaurant Operation (semantic)-Menu of processing (data)-Manuals:

Restaurant Chefs-helpers/Busboys/Waiters workgroup collaborative closed-loop-Feedback operation menu of processing manuals.


The Primitive
2-environmental “Open-End-IO” Traffic-Control node-processor Operating Systems (nOS)
VS New and Better
3-environmental “Closed-loop-IO” Feedback-Control 3-level hierarchical workgroup-processor’s Operating Systems (wOS)

#A: 2-environmental open-end Operating systems (OS):

Street-Vending Chef-helpers open-end Cascaded Process Manuals (= 2D-planar open-end node-OSs)

The current primitive 2-environmental open-end nOSs, such as WIN7-11, Linux, iOS and Android, are similar to the process manuals for Street-vender chef/helpers.

All the current open-end node-processor-OSs are like the processing manual for one vender/chef, who has to handle internal processes and external customers in two processing environments.

All these node-computing OSs are only to control Time-sharing Multiple-in Multiple-out (MIMO) processes. They cannot have the closed-loop feedback-control-supervise of each processing program’s overall IO activities, due to they are just for completing one-node cooking processes, it needs another paired supervising-node to real-time monitoring the cooking processes, so that mistakes can be detected and new and better suggestive cooking processes can be implemented in the real-time manner. Therefore, they are only equipped with process-manager and memory manager and without having the program managers.

#B: 3-environmental closed-loop Operating Systems:

Restaurant Chefs-helpers/Busboys/Waiters workgroup collaborative closed-loop-Feedback operation menu of processing manuals. (= 3D-hierarchical closed-loop workgroup OSs)

New and better 3-environmental 3-level-hierarchical closed-loop wOSs are similar to the Restaurant’s operation manuals for base-level chefs-helpers, mid-level busboys-messengers and top-level waiters.

The closed-loop-IO Feedback-(flow-program)-control top-level TeamProcessor’s workgroup-OSs are similar to the operation manual for the waiters, The open-end-IO traffic-control TeamProcessors’ workgroup-OSs are similar to the process-manual for bus-boys/dispatchers. And the base-level attribute-control TeamProcessor’s workgroup-OSs are similar to the process-manual for chefs/helpers.

HTR vital patents in 3-environmental workgroup OSs:

Patented “3-level workgroup-OSs” to encapsulate and enhance the current node-OSs.

Patented “3-level workgroup-OS closed-loop architecture enable the top-level workgroup-control-OSs (wcOS) with bottom-up meta-program manager and top-down meso-program manager, so that real-time feedback-control can be established. Furthermore, the overall closed-loop architecture also enhance the current node-OSs into mid-level workgroup-traffic-OSs (wtOS) and base-level workgroup-attribute-OSs (waOS).

#3: Software Programming Comparison:

Real-world analogy:

#A: 2-environmental Street-vending food services:

Street-vending customer’s fixated Coarse-Grained-reactive (CGR)-solution food-services and post-CGR-solution accounting services for the vender/chef.

#B: 3-environmental Restaurant food services:

Restaurant customers’ real-time Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP)-solution menu-ordering and dishes-delivering food-services and real-time post-FGP-solution details-reporting and performances-ranking accounting-services for onsite managers and management/owner.


The Primitive
Syntax-data interface-language-based sequential open-end-IO/non-feedback-control
lead-time fixated syntax-data Application programming
VS More Advanced
Semantic sentential interactive-language-based concurrent closed-loop-IO/feedback-control
real-time dynamic semantic-sentential Operation and Management programming

#A: lead-time syntax-data centric programming:

The current data-solution application programs are similar to the Chef/helpers CGR solution food-service programs, completing the captive-user self-chore CGR-food-vending services, and the current data-manipulation application (database) programs are similar to the Bookkeeper’s accounting-service programs. Lead-time fixated CGR-solution and CGR-data-manipulation node application programs are two (2) lead-time developed node service-oriented programs.

#B: real-time semantic-sentential centric programming:

New and better real-time workgroup FGP-solution operation and management programs are similar to the menu-ordering and dishes-delivering closed-loop food-services completed by the waiters/waiter supervisors, busboys/messengers and chefs/helpers, and the real-time workgroup FGP-knowledge operation and management programs are similar to the onsite details-reporting operation-accounting programs for managers and performance-ranking management-accounting programs for management/owner. Real-time interactive FGP-solution and FGP-knowledge workgroup operation and management programs are four (4) real-time dynamic workgroup service-oriented programs.

HTR vital patents in real-time dynamic semantic sentential workgroup programming:

“Real-time dynamic 3-environmental workgroup closed-loop Feedback-information-exchange operation and management programming” with bottom-up (syntax data-processing manual to semantic term-information-exchange menu) and top-down (order-menu to processing manuals) methods, to encapsulate all the current 2-environmental open-end data-processing application programming.

Closed-loop-IO Feedback-ccontrol solution operation programs can be real-time controlled by the workgroup OS-(meta, bottom-up-half-loop) program manager (conveyer-controller) that can generate information-(menu-solution) for external requesters and when the request comes in, the workgroup OS-(meso, top-down-half-loop) program manager can real-time dynamically decipher the order-semantics and real-time select the current best experienced dishes-solution based on customers’ preferences.

#4: Weak-AI syntax data-Model Problem-Solving Methods:

Real-world analogy:

#A: 2-environmental Fixated Coarse-Grained-Reactive (CGR) Street-vending food services and weak-AI accounting services:

The street-vending Chef with (data-management by accountant), can only find out from CGR-model food-service-oriented data-based reports on current Inventory, costs and revenues, spend time for deep-learning and decide the best cooking solution-processes for tomorrow’s customers. This is dubbed “a weak-AI PS method”.

Definition of 2-environmental “weak-AI syntax-data Model-PS:

Syntax-data solution and post-data-manipulation application-based 2 types of data-programs’ lead-time interface activities, enabling lead-time data-solution improving and lead-time data-knowledge deep learning, dubbed “weak-AI” Problem-Solving methods.

Alternatively speaking, “Weak-AI” fixated data-Model-Problem-Solving (PS) with lead-time data-solution version-improving and lead-time data-knowledge deep-learning based on open-end data-solution application and data-manipulation (database) application 2-programs’ lead-time cross-interface activities using centralized syntax big-data repositories.

The current Weak-AI-PS patents:

All the current Node-computing data-problem solving patents are weak, due to they all are based on pre-set/generative PS-Models.

All the current node-computing theories, from computational complexity and computability are weak, due to they are all defined from the node-computing weak-AI open-end model-PS point of view.

Therefore, the current computational complexity theory can be rephrased as “Memory-expansion-growth limited-evolvable PS-Entity with fixated model-PS capabilities, it has nothing to do with real-time dynamic and intelligent problem solving based on evolvable bigger Solution System’s with better domain-PS capabilities.

3D Artificial Intelligence

#4: Strong-AI semantic sentential-Domain
Problem-Solving Methods:

Real-world analogy:

#B: 3-environmental User-centric Fine-Grained-Proactive (FGP)-Restaurant food services and strong-AI real-time operation and management services:

Restaurant (menu)-solution-operators (waiters/chefs) with real-time solution-managers (waiter managers), together with onsite post-(menu)-solution-experience-based knowledge operators (accountants/book-keepers) and managers (management) comprise four restaurant-workgroups and these four workgroups’ real-time interaction among them can provide solution operator (waiters/chefs) with real-time improved FGP-solutions, and enhance knowledge manager (management) with real-time self-learned knowledge. This is dubbed “a strong-AI PS method”.

Definitions of Strong-AI/AGI Domain-PS:

Semantic-sentential solution operation and management-based and post-solution knowledge operation and management-based 4 types of sentential-programs’ real-time interactivities, enabling real-time sentential solution-improving and real-time sentential-knowledge learning, dubbed “Strong-AI” Problem-Solving Methods.

Alternatively speaking, “Strong-AI” dynamic sentential-Domain-PS with real-time semantic-solution self-improving and real-time semantic-knowledge self-learning based on closed-loop Feedback-control solution and knowledge workgroup operation and management 4-programs’ real-time cross interactivities using localized semantic information libraries.

HTR vital patents in Strong-AI Domain-PS Methods:

Strong-AI via local information/semantic libraries with real-time interactive self-improving solutions and self-learning knowledge to replace the centralized pre-set syntax-modelled databases.

The closed-loop Feedback solution and knowledge workgroup operation and management 4-programs’ real-time interaction among them will real-time enable self-improving solution and knowledge operation programming and self-learning solution and knowledge management programming based on solution and knowledge libraries.

#5: Hardware/Software-Evolvable PS-Entity Comparison:

Real-world Analogy:

#A: 2-environmental Street-vending Facilities with limited uni-node evolutions, providing short-running services:

2-envirnmental “Street-vending facilities cannot evolve well and cannot integrate with other facilities, only aggregate with other open-end-street-vending facilities.

Street vending/chef facilities can only expand with more helpers (GPUs) with tables (caches), more cooking machineries (IO-devices), but they cannot grow out of the 2-environmental processing structures due to the confinement of one main workbench (main-memory). Multiple street-vending facilities cannot be integrated into bigger facilities with better food-services, they can only be aggregated into 2-environmental open-end food-fairs as well as amusement parks (= LAN-ANN Infrastructures). However, they are inherited with unsolvable perimeter security issues.

#B: 3-environmental Restaurant Facilities with hierarchical evolutions, providing better long-running services:

3-environmental restaurant facilities can grow into bigger/fail-over/fail-safe restaurants with better/more variety food services and they become an integrable unit (workgroup subsystem) to evolve into bigger facilities (workgroup system) with better FGP-service capabilities.

The restaurant facility can grow internally as well as become an integrable unit to build bigger food-court with assembly services, which can become an integrable unit for building Hotels, theme Parks under one 3-environmental Strong-AI service-oriented organization that can provide FGP services.

The Comparison:

#A: 2-environmental uni-node (hardware-only) prokaryotes-evolved node-entities with lead-time data-model-PS capabilities:

2-environmental weak-AI node-Computing PS-Entities that can only have one (1) node-evolutionary generation,
due to limitations of von Neumann node/1D/2D hardware architectures.

#B: 3-environmental multi-node (both hardware and software) eukaryotes-evolved workgroup-Entities with real-time Domain-PS capabilities:

3-environmental Strong-AI/AGI workgroup-Computing PS-Entities that can evolve over seven (7) workgroup-evolutionary generations, due to 3D-hierarchical hardware architectures.

HTR vital patents in 3-environmental multi-node-evolved workgroup-entities with Domain-PS capabilities:

workgroup closed-loop-(hardware and software) duality-evolved PS-entities with domain-PS theories to “replace” node-(open-end hardware)-cascaded PS-entity with model-PS theories. Furthermore, these duality-evolved PS Entities can evolve into various bigger workgroup PS (species)-entities with better (specialty)-domain-PS capabilities.

3-environmental workgroup evolutionary and PS theories can create strong-AI workgroup service-oriented production, assembly, fabrication, transaction-Expert/Agent workgroup systems and strong-AGI locale-service, zone-service and cloud service smart-Enterprises (small, mid, large), smart-Apparatus (homes, cars, robots) and smart-PDAs (stationary-PCs, portables and wearables) along the 7-genertion workgroup evolutionary timeline.

The inevitable weak-AI nCP shift to strong-AI wCP

2-environmental "weak-AI" node-Computing Paradigm (nCP)
Shift to
3-environmental "Strong-AI/AGI" workgroup-Computing Paradigm (wCP)

The current primitive “2-environmental Street-Vending-scenario uni-node-evolved” “weak-AI” node-computing paradigm (nCP)

The current 2-environmental street-vending-scenario-like node-computing von Neumann 1D/2D architectures, weak-AI evolution/PS theories, Machine-centered Weak-AI-PS application systems disciplines and inter-node cloud-system data-transaction platforms on the open Internet, i.e., weak-AI node-computing paradigm cannot computerize the current 3-environmental service-oriented organizations, therefore they can only provide Coarse-Grained-Reactive (CGR)-services to captive users with unsolvable security and privacy issues.

The current 2-environmental weak-AI node-computing paradigm only establish street vender/chef-like computing structures, enable only one multi-purpose Chef to handle cooking and at the same time dealing with the external customers. Cascading all the involved street-vending facilities together can only provide captive customers with fixated coarse-grained reactive (CGR) cookie-cutting self-chore services. These street-vender/chef facilities can be cascaded into open-end street-night-market, which is insecure and also laden with privacy issues, due to personal information can be compromised. This cascaded open-end chef-based facilities cannot accommodate real-world hierarchical service-oriented organizations.

The advanced “3-environmental Restaurant-scenario multi-node-evolved” “Strong-AI” workgroup-Computing Paradigm (wCP)

The 3-environmental restaurant-like workgroup-computing hierarchical-3D architectures, strong-AI evolution/PS theories, real-time Operation and management systems disciplines and inter-workgroup cloud-systems information-transaction platforms on the open Internet, i.e., Strong-AI workgroup computing paradigm can accommodate all the 3-environmental service-oriented organizations and provide real-time adaptive Fine-Grained-Proactive (FGP)-services for any user, anytime and anywhere.

While 3-environmental Strong-AI/AGI workgroup-computing paradigm can establish the smallest restaurant and evolve into bigger and better restaurants with fail-over managers and fail-safe managers, into bigger and better food-courts, into bigger and better service-oriented organizations, such as hotels and theme parks. And each employee in the 3-environmetnal hierarchical organization is supported with operation/management manuals (wOS), providing real-time interactive workgroup operation services with real-time management supports.

The inevitable digital computing paradigm shift from 2-environmental weak-AI nCP to 3-environmental Strong-AI wCP

The current nCP-based private websites-aggregated data-service oriented Internet is laden with unsolvable security and privacy issues.

The real-world efficient and cost-effective service-oriented organizations are all based on 3-environmental hierarchical-core structures, so that the whole organization can function as one integral PS-Entity. Therefore, these 3-environmental hierarchical service organizations cannot be computerized based on primitive 2-environmental node-computing paradigm (nCP), which from the real world analogy, can only produce a mighty vender-chef with limited number of helpers and the collaboration among these vender-chefs to create better integrated food-services is impossible, due to there is no additional collaboration environment where chefs, busboys and waiters can be workgrouped together, concurrently providing customers with preferred negotiable personal fine-grained proactive services in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

Furthermore, all the current nCP-established “client-server” private websites-based service-transaction platforms on the open Internet are laden with security and privacy issues, which again from the real world analogical analysis, is due to the fact that these aggregated vender-chefs have to directly deal with “captive” customers in a chained-perimeter platform-boundary that is full of security holes and when one vender-chef becomes super large on its 2-environmental private platform, its captive customer’s privacy will become one of the transactional prerequisites in order to receive the cookie-cutting coarse-grained reactive services.

The vital computing advancements in the past 20 years,
due to HTR's endeavors.

About HTR:

  • HTR came to realize all the limitations of 2-environmental uni-node-evolved nCP and started to develop 3-environmental “multi-node-evolved” workgroup-computing paradigm (wCP) more than 20 years ago.
  • HTR’s first US patent#5,802,391 in 1998 on Team/workgroup servers without using a network OS”, is still being used as the first vital know-how for enabling workgroup-computing fail-over, and another important US patent#6,715,100 in 2004 onWorkgroup Server Array (WSA)”, provides the fail-over building components for constructing fail-safe 3-environmental workgroup hierarchical-core structures.
  • HTR’s further endeavors in developing multi-node-evolved wCP, deriving new and better “US-patent#11,132,236”, on “workgroup hierarchical-core evolvable hardware architectures” (based on WSAs) and “US-patent#17/372,771” to be issued in September 2023 on “3-environmental workgroup feedback-control-OS/domain-PS Entity software theories (based on 3D-architectrues), all of which enable the ensuing strong-AI/AGI workgroup system disciplines and smart-AGI online and onsite workgroup service facilities.
  • Yes, HTR has been developing wCP for more than 20 years and finally, all the fundamental workgroup 3D-evolvable hardware architectures, real-time evolving domain-PS software theories and real-time strong-AI/AGI-PS system disciplines in 7 workgroup evolutionary generations are ready for building the real-time smart-Enterprise, smart-home/car/robot and smart-PDA workgroup systems ideal for businesses, consumers and individuals and delivering real-time secure/fail-safe/negotiable Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP) services for anyone, anytime and anywhere.
  • Rome is not built in one day. The wCP with more-advanced 4-paradigmatic pillars and more sophisticated 5-paradigmatic services can never be achieved by just one-trick-pony-like incremental performances. First and foremost, it needs to have the deeper philosophical thinking of 3-environmental workgroup computing, instead of still sticking to the shalow cocooning thinking of 2-environmental node-computing.
  • Furthermore, it takes time and efforts to come up with many vital innovations in hardware architectures, software theories, system disciplines and service facilities to complete the paradigm shift from nCP to wCP. We believe in the motto: “never release the good wine before its time” and now is the time to launch the strong-AI/AGI wCP with real-time safe and sound user-centric smart services to satisfy any individual’s Maslow-5 hierarchical needs without worries and limitations.

The Vital Computing Advancements:

in developing better 4 paradigmatic pillars:

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-1: Hardware Architectures

from 2-environmental “2D-planar aggregation” two (2) node-architectures in node-processing (von Neumann) and nodes-networking (OSI-7) that are upgraded and encapsulated

into 3-environmental “3D-hierarchical integration” ten (10) workgroup-architectures in 1) workgroup-node-processing, 2) workgroup-nodes-networking, 3) workgroup 3-level-aggregation, 4) workgroup 3D-integration, 5) workgroup 3D-fail-over, 6) workgroup 3D-fail-safe, 7) workgroup networking (OSI-5), 8) workgroup 3D-zones, 9) workgroup 3D-platforms and 10) workgroup 3D-Internet, i.e., 10 vital workgroup hardware architectures with architectural devices, setting up the first and foremost computing foundations for “OpenTen Consortim via”.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-2.1: Software Operating Systems (OS)

from 2-environmental “2D-planar open-end” node-OSs that are upgraded and encapsulated

into 3-environmental “3D-hierarchical closed-loop” workgroup-OSs.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-2.2: Software Programming

from 2-environmental “lead-time fixated syntax data-string-parsed application” programming methods that are upgraded and encapsulated

into 3-environmental “real-time dynamic semantic sentential-term-(i.e., meta data-solution/knowledge) grammar-based operation and management” programming methods.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-2.3: Software Problem-Solving (PS)-methods

from 2-environmental “weak-AI syntax-data-application-based” Model-PS methods that can be upgraded and encapsulated

into 3-environmental “strong-AI/AGI semantic-sentential-operation and management-based” Domain-PS.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-2.4: Hardware/Software PS-Entity:

from 2-environmental “lead-time hardware-expansion-only limited-evolving” weak-AI-PS node-Entities that are upgraded and encapsulated

into 3-environmental “real-time hardware-growth and software-growth duality-evolving” strong-AI/AGI-PS workgroup-entities.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-3: Problem-Solving (PS) systems

from 2-environmental “data-application weak-AI-PS” node-systems in only one node-evolutionary generation

to 3-environmental “sentential operation& management” strong-AI/AGI workgroup systems in 7 workgroup-evolutionary generations.

  • Paradigmatic-Pillar-4: Service Facilities

from 2-environmental “client-server” one-way-captive service-oriented 2D-zone/platform/Internet

to 3-environmetnal “multi-agent” two-way-negotiable service-oriented 3D-zone/platform/Internet.

in developing more sophisticated 5 paradigmatic services:

  • Paradigmatic Service-1: Security-Checking

from 2-environmental “pre-set interface” data-security-checking

to 3-environmental “real-time interactive” sentential-security-checking.

  • Paradigmatic Service-2: Content-Exchanging

from 2-environmental “pre-set/generative syntax-data interface” content simplex-exchanging

to 3-environmental “real-time smart-agent/expert-generating semantic-sentential interactive” content duplex-exchanging.

  • Paradigmatic Service-3: Knowledge-Learning

from 2-environmental “lead-time syntax data-ontology” knowledge deep-learning

to 3-environmental “real-time semantic sentential-terminology” knowledge self-learning.

  • Paradigmatic Service-4: Problem-Solving (PS)

from 2-environmental “lead-time syntax multi-thread-aggregated” weak-AI data-models-PS.

to 3-environmental “real-time semantic multi-strand-integrated” strong-AI/AGI sentential-domain-PS.

  • Paradigmatic Service-5: Contract-Fulfilling

from 2-environmental “pre-set one-way-captive and reactive (CGR/FGR) contract” forming and flawed-AGI contractual-model-PS performing

to 3-environmental “real-time two-way-negotiable Fine-Grained-Proactive (FGP) contract” forming and smart-AGI contractual domain-PS performing.

in eliminating unnecessary 2-environmental nCP chores:

  • No need data-password logging,

due to real-time smart-agent interactive self-(biometric)-identity authentication.

  • No need client-server-captive data-client-APP downloading,

due to real-time smart-agent interactive Q&A capabilities.

  • No need client-server captive data-content searching,

due to real-time smart-agent interactive public/expert libraries directory lookup.

  • No need client-server-captive data-content browsing,

due to real-time multi-agent interactive conversations.

  • No need client-server captive data-email-box managing,

due to real-time smart-agent semantic-sentential-information domain libraries with self-managing/self-updating.

  • No need client-server-captive data-application software updating,

due to real-time self-improving/self-learning workgroup sentential operation and management software.

  • No need client-server-captive intrusive data-token-centric payments,

due to multi-agent negotiated contractual payments with public-authorized authentication anytime during the contractual event.

Check Mark
#1: Primitive 2-environmental open-end Node 1D/2D structures: (i.e., node-hub, LAN, ANN)
Check Mark
#2: Primitive 2-environmental open-end Node-processor's OS: (such as Win7-11, Linux, iOS, Android)
Check Mark
#3: Primitive 2-environmental lead-time developed application programs:
Check Mark
#4: Primitive 2-environmental Weak-AI node-application model-PS methods:
Check Mark
#5: Primitive 2-environmental lead-time uni-node Prokaryotic-evolved Node-PS Entities:
Check Mark
#6: Primitive 2-environmental all-time fixated Machine-Human interface (MHI) Coarse-Grained-Reactive (CGR)-service-oriented Node-PS systems:
Check Mark
#7: Primitive 2-environmental Weak-AI node-cloud application CGR-service-oriented website systems:
Check Mark
#8: Primitive 2-environmental myriad private node-cloud systems aggregated CGR-data-service Transaction Platform on the open Internet:
Green Check Mark
#1: Advanced 3-environmental closed-loop 3D-workgroup hierarchical core structures: (i.e., 7-generation wHCSs)
Green Check Mark
#2: Advanced 3-environmental Closed-loop Feedback flow-control workgroup OSs: (i.e., wcOSs, wtOSs, waOSs)
Green Check Mark
#3: Advanced 3-environmental real-time interactive workgroup operation and management programs:
Green Check Mark
#4: Advaned 3-environmental Strong-AI real-time dynamic workgroup domain-PS methods:
Green Check Mark
#5: Advanced 3-environmental multi-node eukaryotic duality-evolved workgroup-PS Entities:
Green Check Mark
#6: Advanced 3-environmental real-time dynamic Human-Machine-Ineractive Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP)-service-oriented workgroup-PS systems:
Green Check Mark
#7: Advanced 3-environmental real-time dynamic Strong-AGI smart FGP-service-oriented workgroup cloud systems:
Green Check Mark
#8: Advanced 3-environmental secure hierarchical workgroup-cloud systems integrated FGP-information service transaction platform on the open Internet:
Green Check
#1: The must-have Strong-AI User-centric FGP-services provided by 3-environmental hierarchical business-service-oriented organizations.

> The current 2-environmental node-Computing Paradigm (nCP) cannot accommodate real-world hierarchical business organizations to provide Strong-AI/AGI services.

Green Check
#2: The The inevitable 2-environmental Weak-AI nCP shift to 3-environmental Strong-AI wCP.

> nCP’s 4 paradigmatic competences in 2-environmental architectures, theories, systems and platforms, should all be upgraded into wCP 4 paradigmatic competences in 3-environmental architectures, theories, systems and platforms on the open Internet.

Green Check
#3: The must-have 3-environmental wCP-based Strong-AGI service-oriented Internet.

> The unavoidable 2-environmental nCP-based self-service-application-oriented Internet migration to 3-environmental wCP-based full-service (operation and management) oriented Internet.

Green Check
#4: The new and better 3-environmental wCP-enabled FGP-user benefits to replace the current 2-environmental primitive and intrusive CGR user-chores.

> The new and better 3-environmental strong-AI Agent to the agent via real-time interactive (solution/knowledge) operations, providing new and better FGP services with real-time management supports to replace the current nCP CGR-services and eliminate at least 7 unnecessary chores, such as password log-in, Apps-downloading, browser-surfing, data searching, database deep-learning, data security-software installing and private-service platform data-transaction consummating.

Bright Future Ahead

The must-have multi-node hierarchical 3D-architected “Strong-AI” workgroup-Computing Paradigm (wCP)

Gold Check
#1: Smart-Enterprise workgroup systems:

> Smart-Enterprises operations via real-time Strong-Business Intelligent (strong-BI) Agents to real-time interact with other BI-agents, providing more adaptive FGP-services with real-time operational management for exchanging in-event information.

Gold Check
#2: Smart-Home workgroup systems:

> Smart-Home operations via strong home-intelligent (Strong-HI) agents to real-time manage home-(internal) appliances, gears, gadgets and widgets and to real-time interact with 1) manufacturers’ agents for real-time home-security, 2) electricity, water, gas authorities’-agents for real-time home-safety, 3) venders’ agents for real-time home resources-replenishing and 4) personal agents for providing real-time home services, such as cooking and recreation.

Gold Check
#3: Smart-Car/Vehicle workgroup systems:

> Smart-Cars/vehicles operations via Strong Car-intelligent (Strong CI) agents to real-time interact with surrounding (public facility/store, car, personal) agents, providing up to level-5 autonomous driving with real-time management to co-exist with pedestrians, bicyclists, vehicles, traffic lights, road-condition authority, based on the real-time interactions among involved smart-agents with the exchanges of real-time most-current situational and intentional information.

Gold Check
#4: Smart-Robot workgroup systems:

> Smart-Robot operations via strong robotic-intelligent (Strong-RI)-agents to real-time interact with surrounding (business-office/store, home, car, personal) agents, providing adaptive personal services with real-time management at offices, stores, homes, cars/public-transits, and public facilities.

Gold Check
#5: Smart-PDA workgroup systems:

> Smart-PDAs (smart-PCs, Laptops, wearables) with Strong-personal-intelligent (Strong-PI) smart-Agents to real-time converse (via natural language) with individual-owners for obtaining the intention and then real-time interact with all the related/surrounded agents, providing adaptive personal Maslow-5 services with real-time management, anytime and anywhere.

Go Sign

The inevitable Computing Paradigm (CP) shift From “weak-AI” nCP to “Strong-AI” wCP

Artificial Intelligence
#1: The current 2-environmental nCP only started the primitive unicellular-prokaryotic halfway evolutions

of digital computing, while 3-environmental wCP is to complete the overall multicellular-eukaryotic evolutions of digital computing simply abided by the natural law of continuous growth along the evolutionary timeline into the future.

#2: It takes 20 years for HTR to develop all the new and better 4 workgroup paradigmatic pillars,

establishing 3-environmental workgroup computing paradigm (wCP) that sets up the Strong-AI digital computing future. While all the current computing companies haven’t come up with innovations to resolve the limitations of any node-computing paradigmatic competencies in the past 20 years.

#3: Don’t waste any further efforts in producing 2-environmental weak-AI node-computing systems,

which are only to establish myriad private insecure and non-transparent self-service (OSI-7) application-oriented transaction platforms for providing only captive users with pre-set fixated Coarse-Grained-Reactive (CGR) services on the open Internet with unsolvable security and privacy issues.

#4: It is time to consolidate efforts in producing Strong-AI/AGI smart workgroup-computing systems,

which can establish “the one and only public secure and transparent multi-agent full-service (OSI-5) operation-oriented transaction platform for providing anyone, anytime and anywhere with “real-time adaptive” Maslow-5 need-based Fine-Grained Proactive (FGP)-services on the open Internet without unsolvable security and captive-privacy issues.

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